The Old Crow - Services to the Club
1976 Paul Dods1977 Buster Taylor1978 W.S White1980 T. Albert1981 N.M Mackie1982 C.R. Morgan1983 Hawea Family1984 Richard Crawshaw1985 Bronc Hawea1986 Boysie Hawea1987 Mick Holden1988 Mark Wallis1989 David Brent1990 David & Mavis Skudder1991 Joe Grant1992 Phil Whakatau1993 Simon & Rosie Spence1994 David Kirkpatrick & David Briant1995 Buster Taylor1996 Paul Sloane1997 John & Bridget Ingram1998 P. Davis1999 Tim Sherriff2000 Fred Smith2001 Ian White2002 John Ingram2003 Mrs. Lesley Ritchie2004 Rob Cook2005 Tony Rasmussen2006 Mrs. Jenny Law2007 Ian White2008 Dana Kirkpatrick2009 Johni & Bridget Ingram2010 G. Allen2011 Dave McDonald2012 Dave Mullooly2013 Chris & Kay Williams & Thursday Cooks2014 Steve Craill2015 Mrs. Lou Livingston2016 Mrs. Michelle Hawea2017 Tony Scragg & Dave McDonald2018 Stephen Thomson2019 Johni Ingram2020 Mrs. Michelle Hawea2021 Willie Livingston
2022 Steve Craill
2023 Pete Burgess
2024 "The Field Maintenance Team" - Steve Craill, Willie Livingston, Pete Burgess, Tim Gardner, Mark De Costa, Nigal Moore, Andrew Hansen, Cambell McNaught, Charlie Allen